Monday, July 9, 2007

Restoring the RCA 86K7 - Day 9

Finishing Up Electrically.

A quick walk through the circuit with a VOM showed that the reason for the fever were a few bad resistors.

Though I was careful to check the resistors before I ordered parts for this radio, now nearly every one of them were reading very high and well out of tolerance. Two, which showed good when initially tested, were now completely dead! (infinite resistance)

Another quick order to AES and the problem was solved. A quick replacement of all the resistors and then back on to the dim bulb tester for safety's sake, then back to full power. This time the fever was cured.

I then ran the radio for a full hour to ensure that the problem was indeed solved.

There is still a slight problem with the dial lamps. One glows about half as bright as the other and often fades out. Both lamps flicker with modulation though, a problem that definitely deserves attention. It is also in desperate need of re-alignment and the cabinet needs to be refinished but at least it's now safe to listen to it's golden tone again.